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Articles Tagged with Offensive Philosophy

Miscellany, Off-Season, Personnel, Staff »

By · March 13th, 2010
Spring Football Focus Part II: Conditioning

Usually, when a coach gets let go and a new regime is brought in, it’s because the original system wasn’t producing results and, like a pendulum, the administration heads to the opposite side of the philosophical spectrum. The transition can be full of bumps and many things can happen in that short period of time. You […]

Miscellany, Off-Season »

By · August 27th, 2009
A Clashmore Mike Roundtable: Critical Elements to Irish Success In 2009

Notre Dame’s season opener against Nevada is right around the corner and a seemingly eternal off-season can’t end soon enough. Fans seem tired of attempting to produce logical explanations for the last two years: a disastrous 2007 season and an underachieving 2008 campaign. Head coach Charlie Weis’ said it best at Notre Dame’s media day, […]

Miscellany, Off-Season »

By · January 16th, 2009
Offensive Philosophy And Play-Calling: The Weisian Approach

The off-season is here, and, save a few recruiting tidbits and coaching changes, there isn’t much for Irish fans to talk about. In light of this, I’ve decided to dissect some of the offensive woes for Notre Dame the past two seasons. Even though Notre Dame’s offense exploded to destroy Hawaii in their season finale, […]