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Articles Tagged with Taylor Dever

Miscellany, Statistics »

By · January 30th, 2011
How Good Are the Irish? A Year-End Offensive Statistical Review

It may be head coach Brian Kelly’s first year at the helm, but positive change is already tangible. While the 2008 and 2009 Irish squads finished 1-8 in November, this year’s unit went 3-0. It isn’t time to anoint Kelly the next Lou Holtz or Ara Parseghian, but Notre Dame played its best football down […]

Game Coverage, Statistics »

By · November 4th, 2010
Statistically Speaking: Notre Dame vs. Tulsa

A home loss to a non-BCS conference opponent is always tough. But off the heels of a blowout defeat at the hands of the Midshipmen, it hurts even worse. The 2010 Fighting Irish are beginning to look a lot like the previous two versions. Perhaps the most distinguishable characteristic of the past two teams has […]

Game Coverage, Personnel, Staff, Statistics »

By · October 12th, 2010
Evaluating the Irish: Act I

In a theatrical setting, the acts of a play signify two very different halves of the production. The first act introduces the characters, the protagonist and antagonist are established, and a problem or conflict comes to fruition. It’s not until the second act that the plot thickens, reaching the climax of the production, and the […]