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Clashmore Mike Welcomes Michael Collins

By · April 21st, 2009 · 0 Comments
Clashmore Mike Welcomes Michael Collins

Clashmore Mike is proud to announce the addition of Michael Collins to our team of crack writers. Michael has been one of the strongest voices in Notre Dame football at Bleacher Report for a long while and has a unique voice and keen understanding of the Fighting Irish. We’re excited to read his forthcoming contributions.

Michael will largely be responsible for covering things from a human-interest perspective. Additionally, he’ll also be participating in our roundtable articles and anything else that catches his fancy. I am personally looking forward to reading him wax eloquent on historical topics such as the great Austin Carr.

Finally, it’s with some measure of pride that Clashmore Mike can now boast a staff that continually ranks among the highest contributors on Bleacher Report. Anthony Pilcher, Jonathan Hunn, and Michael all have contributed heavily to the Notre Dame football section and will continue to produce quality pieces.

We’re very excited to have Michael contributing. Please feel free to get in touch with him or leave a comment.



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